Thursday 17 March 2022

How to install and setup java in Windows

 Step 1:


       first, you want to ensure that the JDK is installed in your system     

                  Then press Windows +  R  key  as Shown in pic 


     and type " cmd "in a box and hit/press Enter button


 this type of window is appear on the screen 

 type this command in cmd javac  -version 

if it shows the this type of  Error

other wise it shows the version of java like this .


what is java?

The Java Development Kit is an allocation of Java Technology by Oracle Corporation. It enforces the Java Language Specification and the Java Virtual Machine Specification and delivers the Standard Edition of the Java Application Programming Interface

what we can do java?

Once the greatest official language of Android, Java is now joined by Kotlin as one of the two official languages for mobile application development for the Google OS. The programming language is sponsored by Android Studio and enables secure and efficient development for a wide scope of mobile applications. 

While there are, of course, many choices of languages when it comes to app development, Java is a standout option for reasons such as its platform independence and wide community of support. 


  1. Internet of Items (IoT) Devices

The IoT is a powerful entity that enables communication and data communication between gadgets, software, and the internet without human intervention. It has many applications for the present and future, providing theretofore static devices with new capabilities.

Conjoined with technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), Java can help you power devices remotely, connect appliances and other objects, and much more. For example, using an app on your mobile phone, you can hang on your slow cooker or thermostat from space — even when you’re far away from your home. The IoT also has implications for many industries, including healthcare, security, utilities, supply-chain management, and others.


  1. Cloud Applications

Cloud applications — applications that involve data processed on a cloud server — are everywhere these days. There are many types of services that use cloud computing, from storage to file-sharing. Enterprises across the range rely on cloud apps like Dropbox, Amazon Web Services, Slack, and Salesforce.

Java is a great programming language for building cloud apps, thanks to factors like its top-notch execution, scalability, and reliability. Many of the biggest companies in the world use Java to create cloud apps — Gmail, for example, is an example of a cloud-based application built with Java. what we can develop in java


Tuesday 15 March 2022

DSA Lecture 1


import java.util.*;
class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner input=new Scanner(;
ARRAY a=new ARRAY();
System.out.println("1-->Insert Data");
System.out.println("2-->Delete Data");
System.out.println("3-->Update Data");
System.out.println("4-->Delete At Any Index");
System.out.println("5-->Display ");
System.out.print("Chose 1 Option : ");
case 1:{
System.out.print("Enter number : ");
case 2:{
case 3:{
a.Update(input.nextInt(), input.nextInt());
case 4:{
case 5:{

Code of Array:

class ARRAY{
private int []Array;
private int Size;

//Constructor same name of class.
public ARRAY(){
Array=new int[5];

// used to Display the data in Array \t is used to to give tab between the number
public void Display(){
// means if size =1 then it display data
for(int i=0 ; i<Size ; i++){
// if size=0 means it is empty
System.out.println("Array is Empty :");

public void Insertdata(int data){
// if size=6 then means Array is full because Array size 5 .
System.out.println("Array is Full");
// if size is less then 5 it,s means space is present for insetion

// this is getter but i,m printing data here this is display the size of our Array means tell us about occupied space.
public void GetSize(){
// if size=0 means it,s Empty
System.out.println("The Array is Empty");
// if size is greter then 0 means some data is present in Array
System.out.println("Occupied Space is : "+Size);

//this is used to delete the data from Array
//Note We can,t delete the data it,s not gonna be done
public void Delete(){
// if Size is greater then 0 then means data is present in Array so delete.
//means Array is Empty size==0 so it is Empty.
System.out.println("Array is Empty");

//it is used to delete the data at any index
public void DeleteAtLocation(int Location){
// it will check the given lovation is present
System.out.println("No Address found");
//first i,m shfiting then element from location to 5. then delete last index
for(int i=0 ; i<Size-1; i++){

//this is used to Replace the data user enter data and location where replace the data.
public void Update(int data, int Location){
//checking index is present in a Array.
System.out.println("No Address Found");
// if Address is found then replace data

Monday 14 March 2022

Login Page in html and css

html code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<div class="circle1"></div>
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<div class="container">
<h1 id="heading1">Login Here</h1>
<label id="username">Usernme</label><br>
<input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Email" required><br>
<label id="Pa">Password</label>
<input type="email" id="password" placeholder="Password" required><br>
<button id="submit">Log In</button>
<button id="submit1">Google</button>
<button id="submit2">Facebook</button>


Css COde 

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background-color: #fff;


Sunday 13 March 2022

Html Templates




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How to install and setup java in Windows

 Step 1:          first, you want to ensure that the JDK is installed in your system                        Then press Windows +  R  key  as...